Anne & Susie's Walking Crusade against Cancer

From October 19 through October 21, 2001 we will be participating in a unique and powerful event with at least 3000 others, to fight breast cancer. It is the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day, 60-mile Walk from Santa Barbara to Malibu.

For those of you who know us, this is not an event that comes easily for us. It is a grueling and challenging undertaking. But it is so little in comparison to what cancer patients have had endure on a daily basis.

We are motivated to participate in this walk due to various cancers our family members and friends have battled over the years. This year Ray has been battling lung and liver cancer, and last year a close friend had passed away from breast cancer. Once again, we feel so helpless in supporting their fight and angry that they have been hit with such a terrible disease. In raising money and awareness for cancer education, research and assistance by walking, we feel this is something very positive and constructive that we can do to make a difference. Walking 20 miles the first day, camping overnight, and getting up the next day for another 20 miles, and repeating it for a third day is the least we can do to honor those we love and contribute to the cause.

With this letter today I ask you to pledge us for this walk. Your pledge is most appreciated no matter how large or small. In order to participate, we each need to obtain $1,900.00 (total of $3,800.00) in pledged donations. Please support us and help millions of cancer victims by donating. Your donation is fully tax deductible, and you can either charge your pledge, or spread your payments over several months. In considering the amount to donate, please take in consideration how substantial a commitment this is for us, and how many hours we will be putting into fundraising and training. We will each be walking from 500-600 miles in practice walks building up to this 3-day event. I hope you will find it in your heart to be generous in your support of us in this walk. If willing, please review the attached pledge form and designate the amount that is right or you.

Thank you so much for your support,

Anne Youngquist and Susie Masters

If you would like us to add the name of a loved one to our walking shirt, please let us know. We would be proud to walk in their honor.

You are welcome to visit this site regularly to check out our training diary and other links above.

We would also be most grateful if you would sign our guestbook, so we know you are there. It truly inspires us knowing that people are rooting for us.

We are walking in loving memory of:

Barbara Masters
Jimmy Alter

We are walking in celebration of:

Ray Yakaitis
Audrey Kenyon
Mary Allen
Laverne O'Malley